The date was January 14, 2010 at about 11:00pm and I was completely overwhelmed and distraught over the disastrous images that flashed across CNN. Life had literally been shaken out of Haiti and people were dying all around. The deadly earthquake had not discriminated against anyone, as men, women and babies, rich and poor, black and white lay dead in the streets. Others were trapped alive under the rubble praying and hoping to be rescued. As I sat watching and sobbing bitterly in the late night hour, desperately trying not to wake my husband, all I could do was talk to God. “What can I do, Lord? I’m just one person, but I’m willing. What can I do to help?”
Immediately following my sincere plea, the Lord began to minister to me about the power of one. He told me that I could do all things through Christ who strengthens me and that nothing was impossible with Him. The very next day I went to work and posted a sign and a large box in the lobby asking people to give. Food, water, baby wipes and pampers, women necessities, batteries, medical supplies, survival equipment, etc. Before long, the items came pouring in. The news about my box spread all over and people began to open their hearts and gave. The most touching giver was a five year old boy who brought his piggy bank to church and offered to give his "life savings to help the children of Haiti."
People gave so much that at one time I began to feel like I had gone in way over my head. At the end of four weeks, I was able to ship to Haiti: thirteen cases of water, seven 55gallon barrels and fifteen boxes full of food and necessary supplies; A total of 3,000 pounds of love was shipped to help a handful of devastated earthquake survivors.
I will never be able to thank all those who stretched their hands and hearts to give to the victims of Haiti's devastating earthquake, but God saw and took notice. Proverbs 19:17 says, "He who is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and He will reward him for what he has done."
Thanks again for helping me do accomplish what only started out as a small appeal to the Lord. He truly is able to do exceedingly, abundantly more than we could ask, think or imagine. Continue to be blessed and be a blessing.
Yours in Him,
Author Roschelle
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
The Assassination of Motivation

Someone once told me that, “procrastination is the assassination of motivation” and I couldn’t agree more. We are now twelve days into the New Year and I have just steadied myself enough to commit to this blog- an assignment that I promised to commit to weeks ago.
What is it that causes us [me] to yield so much power to procrastination? Why do we [I] put things off until later, and fail to admit that “later” rarely comes? I usually don’t make a habit of making resolutions at the commencing of a New Year, but for 2010 I think I might make an exception. I want to challenge you [myself] to not put off for tomorrow what can and should be accomplished today, and to take advantage of the moments we are given to complete a task. There are so many ideas for my next novel floating around in my head, and unless I commit to or create the time to emptying the ideas on paper, they will remain just that- ideas that will eventually fade into an abstract memory.
Time is the most precious commodity we have. It’s one of those rare blessings that once it’s been spent, can never be retrieved. So how do we overcome the compulsion to postpone and put off our undertakings? I think we must realize first and foremost that we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength, and that we have the power to resist anything that attempts to control us. Titus 3:14 charges us to "devote [ourselves] to doing what is good, in order that [we] may provide for daily necessities and not live unproductive lives". Likewise so, Proverbs 13:4 intimates that "lazy people want much but get little, but those who work hard will prosper".
The last thing I want to be described as is a lazy person, and I definitely want the works of my hands to prosper. I’m sure you all do as well. Once that’s been established, recognize too that procrastination is the thief of time, as the saying goes, and refuse to be its victim. My determination for 2010 and beyond is to no longer permit procrastination to dominate my productiveness. There are books and blogs to write, Broadway plays to see, exercise regimens to adhere to, and plenteous other stakes to fulfill.
Procrastination is the assassination of motivation…This will be my mantra for the next twelve months, let it be yours too. All we have to do is take it one project, one day and one moment at a time. Now for the big question; Who’s with me?
Until next time, (And it will be this year)
Author Roschelle
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